Blog On Hiatus

You might have noticed that I’ve been lurking on your blogs but I have temporarily deserted mine.

This blog will be silent for a while (it could be one more week or one more month) I hope to be back soon and I look forward to catching up with you on your blogs.

Those days I am only reading 5 pages a day and no, it’s not a reading slump as Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour is painfully good but I am in the middle of far too many projects (and changes) so  I shamefully admit defeat , I am unable to keep up with everything so …  talk you soon!


16 responses to “Blog On Hiatus

  1. aww, you will be missed, but i know exactly how you feel, im down to blogging once a month, if that. but sometimes there are things that i just HAVE to share and thats why its so hard to keep up a true haitus, every now and then you’ll want to pop back and we will be here!

    • I love your stories! I am so happy about your iphone as I know how annoying that is … I do miss being here but my team is undergoing yet another reduction, I find myself working impossible hours and then I want to spend some time with my husband. Not happy but I don’t really have a choice (:

  2. We all need a break from time to time…I just found you and I will miss reading you but you need to take care of yourself and your family…have fun…

  3. I’ll miss you but I understand all too well that sometimes it is hard to keep a blog in combination with your personal life.

  4. I hope that your hiatus is restful and rejuvenating. I certainly understand and will patiently await your return to the blog, whenever it might be!

  5. I hope your hiatus is refreshing! PS. I’ve been wanting to read that book so bad! Hope you enjoy it!

  6. Aww Ari, we’ll miss you! Thanks for still dropping by my blog to leave comments. I understand how life gets in the way of things but I hope you get to have more reading time soon.

  7. A blogging vacation is a good way to relax and to avoid feeling burnt out-I hope your hiatus is restful and we’ll all be waiting for you with open arms once you get back! 🙂

  8. No worries, we’ll still be here waiting for you when you get back. Though I’ll miss you 🙂 Good luck getting everything done!

  9. Sometimes life just gets busier and busier until we’re forced to make choices, so it’s perfectly understandable that you might need some time away. I hope everything goes well for you through your changes and projects 🙂 I’ll be missing you!

  10. Lol. It’s nothing remotely resembling defeat. You’re doing what you need to do to stay sane. And happy. And we will be here whenever you feel like posting.


  11. Oh Ari I’m sorry. You will be missed but I completely understand. Reading can’t always be an escape. I look forward to your posts – whenever you’re feeling up to it.

    I’m curious, is Norwegian Wood playing where you are? I so want to see it put it’s not in any theaters in my state.

  12. I totally understand. I’m currently taking a break to study for my midterm exam! Can’t wait to hear from you again! Huge Hugs!

  13. enjoy the hiatus my lovely, mine was bliss 🙂

  14. I keep checking to see who’s posted what, and I keep coming across the note you’ve posted saying that you’re on hiatus. I miss reading your posts, but I hope it’s a very restful break!

  15. Yes! A break! So good for the brain and the soul 🙂 You know you are one of my favs, but I fully support it whenever people want to just get some breathing room. The internet is not life. And all of your fans will be here when you get back 🙂

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